
Parça No.: RBTX-BASICS-0007

With RobotCtrl, robots from a wide range of manufacturers can be programmed with universal software. Thanks to the modular structure, different robot kinematics from various manufacturers such as igus, Fanuc, KUKA and many more can be controlled. With the software, the individual movements of the robot can be simulated on the 3D surface - the robot does not have to be connected for this step.

Normal teslimat süresi: 3 hafta

Önemli başlıklar

Important information

The hardware adaptation must be carried out individually. Please contact us.

One software for many manufacturers

  • Tested on various robot manufacturers

  • Less integration effort and cost savings

  • To counteract a fragmented software landscape

Easy to use

The software was designed in such a way that no prior knowledge is required for operation. This enables an uncomplicated introduction to robotics, especially in the education sector.

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