2-Axis Delta | Large
The 2-axis Delta was specially developed for extra fast pick & place tasks. It can be used for pick and place tasks, conveyor belt picking, sorting tasks or stacking tasks. The Delta robot as 2-axis kinematics is supplied in two different sizes with matching controllers.
Önemli başlıklar

Includes igus® Robot Control
Modular control and Software
This set enables you to control the robolink® robot arm. With the corresponding software, you can programme and move the robot via a graphical user interface. Main features:
Modular, control system based on top-hat (DIN) rail, easy to extend
Smooth motion with 1/256 microstepping
Energy saving operation with adaptive current control: Trinamics StallGuard2 and CoolStep Technologies
Intuitive control and programming environment with interactive 3D user interface
Programming commands like Joint, Linear, If-Then-Else, DigitalOut, Loop etc.
Interface to remote computer via TCP/IP
ROS packages are available
Control cabinet

Free Download
Download now and try it out in advance
Download the software now for free. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the user interface and functions even before you buy the components. With the Digital Twin you get an overview of the possibilities of your robot. (System requirements: Windows 10 PC, free USB 2.0 port, Ethernet port, 500 MB free storage)

Typical application areas
The Delta robots from igus® are available as 2-axis or 3-axis variants. They are suitable for pick and place, conveyor belt picking and stacking tasks in three-dimensional space. In conjunction with a gripper or suction cup and a vision system, bin picking tasks can be implemented very quickly.

Dokunmatik ekrana sahip elde kullanılır opsiyonel cihaz
Kendiniz için doğru tertibatı seçin.
Robotu Windows 10'a sahip bilgisayarınızdan veya dokunmatik ekrana sahip elde kullanılır opsiyonel cihazdan kontrol edebilirsiniz. Robot, bilgisayardaki grafiksel bir kullanıcı arayüzü aracılığıyla programlanabilir. Elde kullanılan cihaz ile robotu bir joystick ile kontrol edebilir ve dokunmatik ekran aracılığıyla programları başlatabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, kontrol için elde kullanılır cihaza alternatif olarak Windows PC'nize bir gamepad bağlayabilirsiniz. Bu cihaz ile robot, Windows PC üzerinden programlandıktan sonra bilgisayar olmadan otonom olarak çalışmaktadır.