ReBeL Base

Parça No.: RBTX-IGUS-0194

Set consisting of an adapter plate, 2 quick release skewers and a prefabricated drilling pattern

  • Height: 183 mm
  • Width: 300 mm

Normal teslimat süresi: 3 hafta

Önemli başlıklar


  • The new ReBeL® BASE makes it possible to quickly and easily fix the ReBeL® in a new place, for example on your desk or a workbench.

  • The package includes an adapter plate, 2 quick release skewers and a ready-made drilling pattern.

  • There is no longer any need for complex assembly to assemble the ReBeL. The included quick release replace tiresome drilling

  • And at the same time create flexible applicability, since the ReBeL can be detached from the table and repositioned at any time.

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