ReBeL Adapter ISO-50

Parça No.: RBTX-IGUS-0224

Product information

  • Made from anodized aluminum
  • Aus eloxiertem Aluminium
  • Compatible with all ReBeL models
  • According to DIN ISO 9409-1-50-4-M6
Normal teslimat süresi: 3 hafta

Önemli başlıklar

With the aluminum adapter according to DIN ISO 9409-1-50-4-M6 Grippers for the ReBeL® can now be changed in no time.

  • User-friendly connection mechanism

  • Changing tools in seconds saves time

  • Extensive testing in the low-cost automation laboratory

  • Due to the low weight, the load capacity of the

  • ReBeLs® hardly influenced

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